Yes, I am a pessimist; especially when it comes to my expectations of people's abilities and attitudes. I am the one who talks about the majority's intellectual deterioration every chance I get. So, on rare occasions when I learn of people who don't fall in with the immense mass of inept dumb-asses, I am overwhelmed with excitement. There are not too many of them, but they do exist!
According to Donald Trump, it was his wife Melania who spotted Diamond & Silk (aka Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson) on the Internet. It is truly a blessing when a busy person has someone in his or her life who can sieve through the unmanageable mess of various media. More so, when it is someone who knows you well, i.e. your friends or family, not just some staffer who is probably too snobbish to look for interesting v-bloggers on YouTube. (Once they get "close to politics," they stick mostly to mainstream pundits.)
I am too a beneficiary of someone in my immediate circle who found Stump-for-Trump ladies, watched a bunch of their v-blog installments , got wowed, and shared the videos.
And what can I say? Diamond & Silk are awesome! My sisters in Common Sense! Genuine, smart, quick-witted, they are capable of crystallizing lofty economic issues and obscure political agendas into essential nuggets of coherent information. Their explanations are logical and their messages are transparent. With their personable approach they appeal to people's practicality: "This is what it means to you!" could be their motto. And they never lose their cool, no matter how unfair and sinister they get attacked.
This is what Bernie Sanders' campaign wishes their grassroots were: Not the confused, unclear about Bernie's politics and their own reality overgrown babies (of all ages), willing to sell their country's principles and their own souls in exchange for a place at the socialist's "free" tit; but sure-minded, grounded in reality adults armed with iron-clad logic and sound comprehension of political implications. Bernie's supporters will say "yes" to free college and "no" to tax increases within the same questionnaire. But you ask Diamond and Silk about "free" college and they will explain to you in great detail and with unbeatable precision how much you will end up paying for it with your own blood, sweat, and sorrow.
It would be a mistake to discount Diamond & Silk's impact as negligible (which I'm sure their opponents do). These two women are very significant in the fight for citizens' minds we are witnessing. They are contributing and Trump knows it. That's why he doesn't hesitate to bring them onto the stage to stand next to him. There is nothing more valuable in politics than campaigning that doesn't come from the campaign's HQ. Civilian activism - it's priceless!
I am sure that Diamond & Silk are celebrating their candidate's progress furthered this week with an amazing sweep. And I am positive these true patriots will keep fighting for their convictions. I wish them unyielding strength for the struggles ahead!