From an actual email exchange between a CEO and a CFO who are on friendly terms with each other:
Hi! Is there 8.15924 gallons per metric ton, or 8.110117 gallons per metric ton?
Thanks, expert!
Yeah right! A metric TON is slightly over 8 gallons???!!! Just 8 jugs of milk???!!! I can carry that, the whole ton of it. And they say I don't have any strength in my arms!
It's the pounds: there are approximately 8.34 pounds in a gallon. And there are approximately 2,204.62 pounds in a ton. This means that there are about 264.34 gallons in a metric ton.
Aren't you glad you have a CFO?"
The Frustrated CFO's comment:
Remarkable isn't it? Emailing the CFO instead of looking it up on the Internet - that's pretty much the essence of a business owner's attitude.